Please take a few minutes to complete the online EBRPSS Climate & Culture Parent Survey 2019-2020 for your child’s school. This survey is part of the district’s accreditation process. Your input will help support our continuous improvement efforts at both the school and district level. A link for the survey can also be found on the homepage of the East Baton Rouge Parish School System’s website under the Recent News section. The survey will close on December 16, 2019 Your input is appreciated. -VDR Dream Team ![]()
We got a VERY special delivery this week! We received several of these tower gardens to really dive in to our sustainability theme. These will be a great supplement to our outdoor gardens which will be facing some weather challenges as the seasons change. Our students will be able to continue growing and observing plants as well as getting nutritious snacks out of the process! Our entrepreneurs will also be growing vegetables to make their own salsa to be sold at our Maker's Fair in the spring (more info on that later!). There are so many possibilities and we really are overcome with excitement for all of the amazing things going on at VDR.
Drop us a comment and tell us what fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc. you would like to see grown in our Tower Gardens! Until next week, -The VDR Dream Team Can you believe it is already November? Neither can we! We are well into the school year and so many exciting things are happening all around us. Our students took several field trips this week. We love taking the students on field trips to extend learning well beyond the four walls of their classroom.
Students in Kindergarten-2nd grade visited Liuzza Land on Monday. They learned all about where our food comes from and even got to go on a guided tour of the Liuzza Family Farms. They got to see many animals including, goats, cows, sheep, donkeys, chickens, peacocks and a few others. The students even got to bottle feed baby cows! Our 4th grade students took a field trip down the street to Jones Creek. This is part of a large PBL (Project Based Learning) that they are working on. The students visited Jones Creek and documented their observations. They will use these observations to find real solutions to issues facing our community. They have begun looking at the ways the trash has backed up the creek and contributes to flooding, how the ecosystems differ on the side with a lot of trash and the side with less trash and much more! At the end of their project, they will present their findings to the Villa del Rey Homeowner's Association. We will create a partnership to see some of their solutions brought to life and implemented to improve the community they live and learn in. On Tuesday, 1st grade students visited LASM (Louisiana Art & Science Museum). They viewed the dinosaur exhibit and got to attend a planetarium show! Their favorite part was the planetarium show and they've been raving about it ever since they got back. The students were very excited to learn that VDR has our own Star Lab Planetarium that will be brought out very soon. Have any field trip recommendations to enhance your student's learning? Leave a comment and let us know! Stay tuned to see what we're up to next week. -The VDR Dream Team |